Update from Administrator – December 28, 2020
Dear Families,
We are happy to report that our residents continue to remain free of the Covid-19 virus. Our next round of testing for all residents will take place tomorrow, Tuesday December 29th. With the vaccine administration in place from last week, we are hopeful that our residents are more protected to fight the virus if an exposure should occur. The second dose is scheduled to be administered on Tuesday, January 12th. If your loved one did not receive the vaccine last week and you would like them to receive it on Jan 12th, please let me know so I can ensure they are included on our next roster. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are hopeful that this vaccine will be a lifesaving turning point in the fight against COVID-19.
There continue to be many questions regarding visitation. Unfortunately, we continue to be on a lockdown for indoor visitation due to an employee testing positive on December 22nd. If we can stay free of positive cases for 14 days, we can then open for indoor visitation. During this time, we do still allow for outdoor visits (weather permitting), window visits and Facetime/Skype visits.
As a reminder, our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 29th at 1pm. We encourage all residents and family members to call in with any questions or concerns you may have. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise.
Our team here at Litchfield Woods wishes you and your families a very happy holiday and healthy New Year!!
Marisa Jones LNHA, MBA