Update from Administrator – May 8, 2020

Update from Administrator – May 8, 2020

As some states begin to ease restrictions on businesses and the general public, please note that our center will NOT be included in any category. The visitor restriction placed on us by the state in early March is still in effect for the foreseeable future; we will advise you when this changes.  It is our responsibility to assist you to help facilitate communication with your loved one.  I believe this is working well for many residents.  Communication by telephone, window visits, or even virtual visitation through many ways such as Face Time has helped to enable this communication.  My goal is to ensure this is happening on a regular basis for all.  If you are having ANY issue with this, please call me directly and I will ensure a plan! I understand that communication with your loved one is needed for their emotional well-being of all.  Staff may be checking in directly with you to see how this is going.

From the beginning of this crisis, we have implemented extensive infection control measures to protect residents and this information remains on our website. As always, if you would like any details on them, please let me know.

In Connecticut, patients and staff have now tested positive in more than 2/3 of the nursing homes in the state.  Sadly, the majority of our residents here at Litchfield Woods have tested positive.  At this time, I have 40 residents in house that are positive for COVID-19.  As you know, this has been devastating to our staff.  We continue to do all we can to treat them and our thoughts are with those afflicted with this virus as well as their loved ones.  These residents are being monitored closely and we look forward to their recovery.

On a positive note, we have had 49 residents as of today that are “COVID-19 Recovered.”  5 of these recovered residents have been discharged home.  We may be turning the corner with our battle with COVID-19.  We are very excited for these residents, families, and staff.  We anticipate to have this number continue to rise

In this facility, our Medical Director, Dr. Yoelson, has followed guidance from CDC and we are using a “symptom-based strategy” to discontinue isolation here at Litchfield Woods.  The decision to discontinue Transmission-Based Precautions for patients confirmed with COVID-19 are based on 2 defining criteria for this strategy: 1. Residents have to have at least 3 days (72 hours) passed SINCE RECOVERY defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications AND improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and 2. At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. And so, residents who have met this criteria are now considered COVID-19 Recovered.  Please be reassured, these residents are still being monitored each shift.  Many of these residents are now receiving therapy to get them back to prior level of function as well.

We also continue to do all we can to protect our other residents and remain committed to ensuring the personal protective equipment (PPE) our staff needs and are in compliance with CDC and state guidelines regarding the appropriate use of PPE. We continue to follow every lead to secure PPE from existing and new vendors and request equipment from the state. We are satisfied with our supply but are always monitoring it and working to build it up for the long road ahead.

We continue to be in touch daily with the Department of Public Health and our local Health Department.  We had an additional visit this week from the Department of Public Health and she was accompanied by two members of the National Guard.  At this time, we were found to be compliant with all Infection Control practices and requirements.  They also reviewed our staffing and supply of PPE.  We continue to follow all CDC and state guidelines and receive regular updates on new guidelines that are offered.

I remain incredibly grateful for our dedicated team and ask you to join me in ensuring that they are included as “Health Care Heroes” battling COVID-19. They are doing everything they possibly can to care for those suffering and support them as they battle this disease.

We are fortunate that we have not experienced serious staffing issues due to the commitment our staff has in providing the highest quality of care to their patients, even in the most challenging times. We have increased compensation to staff in our center.  Litchfield Woods continue to advertise and recruit for additional per diem staff to supplement our teams. We support our talented staff whose commitment to caring for our residents throughout this health crisis inspires us every day.

Many family and community members have reached out to recognize our staff – like what is happening all around our state with other “Health Care Heroes.” If you want to organize a Parade for our team, make them customized masks, deliver a meal, etc., they would appreciate the recognition as they are a huge part of the health care heroes doing their part in the battle against COVID-19. Cards are also inspirational to staff working hard each and every day.

We encourage any residents and family members to contact our staff, or myself, with any questions you have about the care we are offering. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise. This is an incredibly challenging time and we will continue to do all we can to get through this, together.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

Denise Quarles, Administrator

May 8, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring