Update From Administrator – September 15, 2020

Update From Administrator – September 15, 2020

Dear Families,
Thank You for all your continued support during this difficult time. We are doing our best to keep our residents safe and happy. We are happy to report that we continue to remain negative.

A few quick points:
•As you may have heard on the news, nursing homes have begun receiving “Rapid” COVID testing machines from the federal government in recent weeks. The state of CT DPH has approved their use for staff, residents, and visitors. We have received our machine and are in the process of registering for training and other resources. Once we have conducted training on them and have the necessary supplies to conduct the tests – we look forward to putting them to use! More information will follow on this as it becomes available.
•Although we are following social distance guidelines, handwashing protocols, hygiene recommendations, and wearing masks in our center – it is still STRONGLY encouraged that all staff and residents receive an annual Influenza Vaccine. While the vaccine is not in the center yet, please consider completing a consent form, in advance to ensure you loved one receives their vaccine. These consent forms have been put in the mail for many of your loved ones but if you do not receive it by the end of the week please reach out to us so that we can ensure one is provided.
•We are working on securing a hairdresser to assist with helping our residents look and feel their best. Our goal is to have someone available for services while the weather and our COVID status cooperate. Once more information is available regarding this I will provide an update.

Our current visitation policy remains in place and all scheduled visits will go on as planned, without interruption. The only indoor visits being allowed by DPH currently are for end stages of life and significant changes in condition as determined by an APRN or MD. We continue working closely with our medical practitioners to timely identify any significant changes and will provide updates as deemed appropriate. As a reminder, all visits should be scheduled through our Recreation team. If you encounter any issues finding a mutually acceptable time for a visit, please let me know so that the team can work to accommodate requests.

As a reminder, our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 18th at 1pm. We encourage all residents and family members to call in with any questions or concerns you may have. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

Marisa Jones LNHA, MBA

September 15, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring